Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

Conveniently located to serve Boston, Beverly, and New York City.


Also known as blepharoplasty, eyelift or eyelid lift, eyelid surgery is a procedure that  improves the appearance of the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both, making you look more rested, happier and rejuvenated.

Cosmetic eyelid surgery is one of the most common cosmetic procedures performed in the US for both men and women based on statistics form American Society of Plastic Surgeons, American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery and American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.



We only have two upper and two lower lids but the possible approaches to rejuvenating the lids are more than two. Think of the eyelids as a complex and multilayered structures that do much more than closing over and protecting the eyes. If you start with this concept it is very easy to understand that each layer of the eyelid can cause a distinct effect on the appearance and consequently need a specific technique for cosmetic rejuvenation.

After you read this section that covers general information about all four eyelids then you may click the links to your left for additional information on the different techniques used for the Upper lids, Laser eyelid surgery, transconjuctival eyelift (for the lower lids), Asian eyelid surgery, ethnic eyelid surgery, eyelid surgery for men and correction of blepharoplasty complications. If you still have questions please get in touch with our office for a personalized evaluation of your eyelids.

You may also want to visit the Before and After Gallery to see photos of eyelid surgery.


They say that “the eyes are the windows of our soul”. If you think of this more carefully it is not the eyes only but the eyelids mostly that contribute to the emotional expression of our eyes so they can look happy, sad or angry. Ethnic characteristics of the eyes are defined by the shape and position of the eyelids!

Studies have concluded that when we meet someone the first thing we do is to look at their  eyelids and brows as the initial visual contact. Then we look at their eyes and finally we scan the rest of the face!

Eyelid surgery may not only improve appearance and make a face look younger, rejuvenated. It may also  boost someones confidence and well being.

Before / After


Do you feel or people tell you that your eyes look tired or feel heavy all the time? Do you have dark circles, and bags under your eyes? If you answer yes to any of  these questions then you are a candidate for eyelid surgery.  Dr. Glavas will help you set up goals and realistic expectations for your eyelids and face.

More specifically eyelid surgery in indicated for :

  • Loose or sagging skin that creates folds or disturbs the natural contour of the upper eyelid, sometimes impairing vision
  • Excess fatty deposits that appear as dark circles or puffiness in the lower eyelids
  • Bags under the eyes
  • Droopiness or laxity of the lower eyelids, showing white below the eye
  • Excess skin and fine wrinkles of the lower eyelid

Eyelid surgery has some limitations.  It will NOT improve the appearance of droopy  and heavy brows nor the deep groove of the lower lids (tear trough deformity) caused by midface descent. These may be addressed  with additional procedures that can be performed at the same time with your eyelid surgery.


“I have seen Dr. Glavas for several small procedures to remove growths on my upper and lower eyelids. He and his team are professional, courteous, helpful and handle your case individually and with care. He is knowledgeable and has a great personality, and he reassured me every step of the way. None of the removals left scars and it was as pain free as it could have been. I highly recommend Dr. Glavas!”


Dr Glavas has offers more than one technique for eyelid surgery. Preparation for the surgery is as important as the surgery itself. Dr. Glavas reviews your past medical history and makes recommendations so you may be best prepared for your eyelid procedure.

Dr. Glavas will use a combination of technologies and methods to give you the most natural and rejuvenating result with   the least downtime. Use of technologies such as laser for incisions  and  smoothing of  the eyelid wrinkles, or radio-frequency to minimize bleeding and reduce recovery time.  Special postoperative measures and use of products are recommended  to  enhance the result and speed recovery.


Yes ! It is not unusual for patients that have eyelid surgery to take advantage of the recovery period and have other  cosmetic procedures at the same time that otherwise would never decide to do.

For example someone may have a laser resurfacing procedure to repair the skin of the face from sun damage, large pores, or fine wrinkles and spider veins.

Another common procedure combined with eyelid surgery is midface lift (also  known as SOOF lift) to suspend and improve the appearance of the cheekbones and the midface. If you are going to have cheek implants there is not better time than a lower eyelid  surgery. Dr. Glavas can use the same incisions to insert the facial implants avoiding unnecessary trauma

It is not uncommon to combine eyelid surgery with brow lift either endoscopic or through the same eyelid incisions to rejuvenate heavy and droopy eyebrows.

Finally some will have a total facial rejuvenation combining an eyelid surgery with a face  or neck lift and lip augmentation.


After eyelid surgery you may experience some  discomfort. Postoperative pain is NOT a characteristic of eyelid surgery. The most common immediate postoperative symptoms are swelling of the eyelids and some bruising of the skin. These symptoms are worst the day after surgery. Some people will notice a burning sensation of the eyes that can easily be alleviated using cold compresses.


Depending on the technique used for your procedure and you individual characteristics   of healing the recovery may range between 4 days to 2 weeks. Following the recommended postoperative care and use of products available from our office is important to reduce  the recovery downtime.

The eyes are not patched after surgery and your vision is unaffected. The average  recovery time is about one week for the swelling and bruising to resolve. Many of Dr. Glavas’ patients are able to continue their daily activities the day after the procedure. Strenuous activities such as lifting heavy weights are not recommended for the immediate  postoperative period. Dr. Glavas can make your decision easier by going over with you the list of activities you may resume the day after surgery.


You may go back to work in a couple of days after your eyelid surgery. Your vision is unaffected and you may wear glasses (regular or sunglasses) immediately after your procedure. If your work involves face to face interaction with clients then you may want to resume work after the swelling subsides (few days). Dr. Glavas will  advise you when you  may start using foundation (make-up)  over bruised areas.


Eyelid surgery is an excellent investment in an individual’s well being. Because of this, we believe financial considerations should not be an obstacle to your  procedure. At the office we accept all methods of payment as well as financing by  CareCredit. Please see the financing section of our website or click below to get an instant reply.


For more information about eyelid surgery or to schedule an appointment please call 617-262-0070  or contact us by email by filling in the form below

Your Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) will be performed by Dr. Glavas in Boston.

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